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City Planning Commission Reports

City Planning Commission (CPC) Reports are the official records of actions taken by the CPC. For more information, read About CPC Reports. The CPC Reports application includes reports from 1938 to the present and has been upgraded to allow multiple fields search. For updated information on finding reports, read How to Search

Community District:
Project Name:
Application Type:
Date Range*:
*This site includes reports voted on since 1/19/1938.
ULURP/CP No.Project NameCDVote Date
N 250169 PXQ 161-01 Jamaica Avenue ACS Office Acquisition QN 12 03/19/2025
C 250023 PPK Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan BK 03
BK 08
C 250022 PPK Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan BK 03
BK 08
C 250021 PPK Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan BK 03
BK 08
C 250020 PQK Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan BK 03
BK 08
C 250019 PQK Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan BK 03
BK 08
C 250018 PQK Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan BK 03
BK 08
C 250017 HAK Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan BK 03
BK 08
C 250016 HAK Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan BK 03
BK 08
N 250015 ZRK Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan BK 03
BK 08
C 250014 ZMK Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan* BK 03
BK 08
N 240251 ZRQ 102-51 Queens Boulevard Rezoning QN 06 03/05/2025
C 240250 ZMQ 102-51 Queens Boulevard Rezoning* QN 06 03/05/2025
N 250168 PXM 215 West 125th Street HPD Office Space MN 10 03/05/2025
N 230129 ZRK 2510 Coney Island Avenue Rezoning BK 15 03/05/2025
C 230128 ZMK 2510 Coney Island Avenue Rezoning* BK 15 03/05/2025
N 250082 PXR 209 Bay Street HRA Office Space SI 01 02/19/2025
N 250142 PXM One Battery Park Plaza IBO Office Space Acquisition MN 01 02/19/2025
C 250047 MMQ Queens Future Map Change and Amendment QN 03
QN 04
QN 06
QN 07
QN 08
QN 09
C 250046 ZMQ Queens Future Map Change and Amendment* QN 03
QN 04
QN 06
QN 07
QN 08
QN 09
C 250091 HAX 1093-1095 Jerome Avenue UDAAP BX 04 02/05/2025
N 230298 ZAX 1460-1480 Sheridan Boulevard (Waterfront) BX 09 02/05/2025
N 250092 PXQ 95-25 Queens Boulevard NYPD Office Space Acquisition QN 06 02/05/2025
N 250105 PXQ 97-77 Queens Boulevard NYPD Office Space Acquisition QN 06 02/05/2025
N 250114 BDM East Harlem 125th Street BID MN 11 02/05/2025

* For projects since July 2003 with multiple actions, an asterisk after the Project Name indicates the designated "lead" report. This report describes the project and all of the requested actions. It also contains an extensive summary of the public review including community board and borough president recommendations, the City Planning Commission public hearing and the Commission's consideration.
